Innovo Glass Systems


Please remember this is for YOUR SAFETY and the SAFETY OF YOUR TEAM, the person next to you also has a family.


1.Have you experienced any of the symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever (100 F)
    Yes No
  • Cough
    Yes No
  • Shortness of breath
    Yes No
  • Boddy Aches
    Yes No

2.Was your Temperature Measured today at the jobsite?

Yes No
Higher Temperature reading

3.Have you recently (within the last 14 days) been in proximity with someone who has been confirmed or suspected with COVID-19?

Yes No

4.Have you been transferred here from a job that has been stopped due to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19?

Yes No

Please be sure to follow the protocols listed below for everyone's safety.
  • - Use the provided thermal scanner for all to check their temperature. If the temperature is higher than 100 F, please leave the jobsite and call Javier or Oscar right away.
  • - You must always wear your mask. Please let us know who does not have a mask.
  • - Clean the basket or area prior to starting to work. If you do not have wipes, you can use any cleaning agent, water and soap, a bleach/water solution, or alcohol.
  • - Try to maintain 6 ft apart minimum when possible or as much distance as possible between each other when inside the lift or a car.
  • - Clean the basket again when completing your work shift.

I, , certify the information provided here is accurate. Date & Time: 02-14-2025 16:59

Please remember that if you feel sick and need to get tested for COVID19, Innovo will pay for your time off per company policy.